Jeffrey Seabury, 22岁

政治科学, 心理学

W的课程&J gave me the opportunity to experience diversity and broaden my range of understanding about things I didn’t know, especially with the general education requirements. All of that has added up to a better understanding of the world around me and how to interact with people who are different than me.

WASHINGTON (7月y 9, 2021)—Jeffrey Seabury ’22 is courting the idea of a career in law.

华盛顿 & det365app political science and psychology double major is spending his summer interning with both the public defender and district attorney’s offices at the Fayette County Courthouse.

Jeffrey found the internship thanks to a unique W&J连接. 大流行期间, he began working as a delivery driver for a pharmacy in his hometown, where he met the owner’s son, Robert Harper’03, who works for the District Attorney’s office in Fayette County. They bonded over their shared connection to the College, and when Jeffrey shared his aspirations to work in law with Robert and asked if there might be an opportunity to intern with him, Robert was quick to connect Jeffrey with the office.

通过实习, Jeffrey has had the opportunity to sit in on trials, 处理法律文件, and gain a strong understanding of the criminal justice system from the lawyer’s bench. He’s also had the opportunity to connect with strong mentors.

“I got some one-on-one time with District Attorney Rich Bower, he gave me some pretty good advice for the path I should take for my future plans as a lawyer, telling me the best way to succeed is to be prepared to put in the hours,杰弗里说. “He said the best way to succeed is to help the little guy.”

Jeffrey plans to do just that. Growing up with a sister who is disabled, Jeffrey has witnessed moments when existing systems have disenfranchised those with disabilities, and he would like to be a representative for those who truly need help.

“Everyone deserves to have a voice. People with disabilities don’t have the opportunities given to them that other people do,杰弗里说. “I want to offer those people the representation they deserve to have.”

He feels well prepared to take on that path thanks to his time at W&J. Jeffrey cites his advisors, Professor of 政治科学 Buba Misawa, Ph.D., and Professor of 心理学 Lynn Wilson, Ph.D., as supports in his pursuit to find internship opportunities. Other professors have been instrumental in creating an ideal learning environment for Jeffrey—even under non-ideal circumstances.

“Because I have a sister who is immunocompromised, I haven’t been on campus since March 2020,杰弗里说. “Even from afar, I felt that sense of community. I thought being away was going to be hard—and it was hard, 这真的很难, trying to divide home and work life—but with those small classes on Zoom, 我仍然喜欢我的课. Professors still take the time to check in and work with you, no matter where you are.”

Jeffrey is excited to return to campus in the fall for his senior year. Following graduation, he plans to attend law school.